Prayer | Loudmouth Prayer LIVE - THE ROOT OF REJECTION - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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TULSA HEALING REVIVAL | March 8 & 9, 2024

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Ephesians 1:4-6
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
4 Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love.

5 For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [[a]because it pleased Him and was His kind intent]—

6 [So that we might be] to the praise and the commendation of His glorious grace (favor and mercy), which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.

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