February 18, 2024 - Scent Two - Jesus Endures the Wrath of God

10 months ago

Does God get angry and wrathful?

God’s anger burns against the destructiveness of sin and rebellion against Him – Romans 1: 18

Wrath/Anger – we have all felt this! It is uncomfortable and unpleasant We must learn to deal with our anger!

Anger is a basic human emotional response experienced by ALL PEOPLE!

God's Anger is Precise and Accomplishes Righteousness

People's Anger causes Chaotic Destruction and destroys lives, nations, friendships, churches, and families - Psalm 37:8

Fleshly anger = a characteristic of the flesh is outbursts of wrath (thumos) – Galatians 5: 20

Simmering, not dealt with anger (orge) can crescendo into thumus anger

We must deal with our anger (orge) before our anger (thumos) deals with us – James 1: 20

Righteous anger = is directed at the consequences of sin - Ephesians 4: 26

If anger continues and marinates, it is not righteous, but selfish and bitter – Hebrews 12: 15

Freedom from anger is to realize freedom from anger, and we need the Holy Spirit's power to help us.

Identify your triggers! Some are: Insults, Stress and Worries, Disappointment/Annoyance, Fears, Resentment, Frustration, Rejection, Hurt, Embarrassment, Having possessions taken or broken, Jealousy, Being teased or talked about, Low-Self Esteem, Grief, Home Life.

Anger is a problem:
* When it harms you
* When it leads to aggression
* When it harms people around you
* When it disrupts relationships
* When it is too frequent, intense and lasts long
* When it effects your overall quality of life
* When chronis, explosive anger spirals out of control

Dealing with Anger:
* Cool off, stay calm
* Walk Away
* Count to 10
* Take deep breaths
* Use calming self-talk: "I can handle this. Chill. It's not as bad as it seems."
* Imagine you are in a peaceful place.

* Take a time out and turn to God

- Forgiveness is an essential part of your recovery from anger
- Recognize you have been totally forgiven by God
- Forgive the debt and let it go
FIDO = forget it and drive on
- Confess your anger and unforgiveness to the Lord
- Seek to reconcile if possible (not always possible)
- Once forgiveness is given, NO TAKES BACK, don’t bring it up again!

What does it look like to forgive someone practically?
Forgiveness means you -
1) Don't seek revenge in any way
2) Cancel all debts
3) Don't criticize
4) Forgive unconditionally
5) Bless the person (blessings - wishing the best in life)

“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”

You have been set FREE, so live free from the bondage of unforgiveness and anger!

you have the tools . . . . .

God Wants You Free

Forgiveness is the JESUS WAY!

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