Tools of the Luciferian American Revolution: Part ELEVEN

1 year ago

Total Vindication of the Bond Robin Channel, even my guestaments were true.
February 18, 2024
(Bond Robin Note: This Tucker Carlson interview with Mike Benz, who was Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Policy
Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs in the U.S. State Department during the Trump years is the total vindication of everything Butch Robinson, aka Archpriest Symeon Elias, aka Bond Robin, has said on the subject of the total subservience of Europe to the collective power of the U.S. (through the Atlantic Council - a CIA cutout where all living ex-CIA head hold court and rule) the reality of the massive censorship of anyone not affirming the Atlantists agenda and whatever psyop the Global Deep State is pushing on any given day.

Of course, Mike Benz's rapid-fire encyclopedic recitation anatomizing the "mechanism" of control never approaches the power that controls the mechanism, and that is a staggering thought, that there is upon the earth a mechanism to coordinate the collective, group, individual, and unified actions of such massive powers for evil. Common sense dictates that this is a limited hangout; it comports with what we have witnessed in real-time. For instance, when Rex Christi and I were simultaneously locked down on Facebook. Our accounts were there, but we could not log on. When I complained loudly, I was told by an anonymous FB correspondent that my account was not available to me because "you are too influential." Some months later, they restored the account after the AI program was installed to limit the exposure of my posts, the same with Rex, locking us in a "not wanted ghetto" where we can make a lot of noise, but few will ever hear.
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