Death to debt

7 months ago

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Prophetic word
28 January 2024
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
01.16 am.
My children, I am canceling your debt. Yes, I, the Lord of Host, declare and decree death to debt. Death to debt of what the unrighteous and the ungodly system had made to keep the world in bondage.
This debt is made so you can't get out of it, because it is caused by your adversary, Satan.
You must also take this satanic bondage down to the ground in Jesus name!
My children, use your power and your authority, that I have given you through my Son, Jesus Christ! I said call the system down, call the unrighteous and ungodly system down in my name.

My name is above all the principality and the rules of the air. My name has power and nothing can hold you back any longer!
I have bought you all free. Free from sin, death and destruction. Free from debt, from darkness, free from despair and hopelessness. I have already set you free in my Son Jesus.
My children, start declaring and decree your total and complete freedom.

It's time to repent from your way of thinking that my arm is too short, repent from thinking that I am not enough! I say now to you children, I am a God of More-Than-Enough! I have created you to walk in My Kingdom and I have created you to live like kings and priests.

Why do some of you say that I am late?! I am never late! I have My timing in everything. Know Me and know My timing!

When I say death to debt then I will destroy it once and for all.
Read My Word, spend time with intentionally! Because I am caring about everything that is concerning your life, even to the smallest things in your life.
Come sit with Me like Mary and don't be a Martha who didn't take her time to sit with Me. My Children I have a lot to say but you just take your time with Me and know Me. I am your closest friend and I will keep revealing Myself to My friends.

Reference: Ephesian 6:12. Philippians 2:9. Hebr. 4:1
#propheticword #debt #death #cancel #faith #God #Jesus

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