384 – Joe Klaunberg – Veteran Powered Films - Homestead

1 year ago

Joe Klaunberg’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. From his days as a Marine Corps chemical biological radiological nuclear defense specialist to his current endeavors in the acting industry, Joe exemplifies the versatility of military training. His skills in martial arts and critical thinking have found new expressions in film. His involvement with Veteran Powered Films and his creative response to the loss of a friend highlights the therapeutic power of storytelling.

Michah Haughey, Producer of Silver Rose Entertainment and Veteran Powered Films connected me with Joe and the story behind their newest project Homestead.
Homestead is a dramatic horror film. It is in a dystopian setting but takes a couple of different twists from other films in this genre. I won’t spoil it for you, watch the trailer!

Joe talked with me about being in a project like this and how important it was to have a way for Veteran actors to have a place to showcase their talents and grow their acting careers.

I am excited to see Homestead, check out the trailer here - https://veteranpoweredfilms.com/homestead/

You can find out more about Veteran Powered Films and Joe Klaunberg by going to the following links.


Thanks, Joe, for talking with me and sharing your journey from the Marine Corps to a professional actor. I can’t wait to see this film released. Semper Fidelis

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