S01E01 - Meet The Chorus & Self-Acceptance is a Gateway to Transcendence

1 year ago

Welcome! In Season 1, Episode 1 of the Our Next Existence podcast, Katie provides an introduction to varying levels of self-acceptance, which is a precursor to what will happen in this show, a profound acceptance (and transcendence) of our (current definitions of) humanity. She also discusses how this transition will likely feel to those going through it, namely that, at times, the perspective will be from our current belief systems and will feel frustrating, disappointing or challenging; at other times the perspective will shift to more expansive frequencies and it will feel amazing, magnificent and abundantly loving. Same existence, different vantage points.

The Chorus debuts by covering a range of topics which will lay the foundation for future conversations. Specifically, our choice to resonate with the ‘frequencies of disallowance’ which was the genesis point of our experience here, that awakening is the expansion from a point of great limitation (the frequencies of disallowance, in this case), and that this is what humanity is experiencing now. Have fun!

🎤 Our Next Existence (O.N.E.) Podcast 🎤

➡️ Apple iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/our-next-existence/id1550388550

➡️ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TNLroQe12pLkpwnRpbmUy?si=9WM6IbEVSzKX4mGoluWPyg&dl_branch=1

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===== LINKS ======

📘 BOOK ONE: The 1st book from The Chorus - The Book of Human Awakening - compliments this podcast season with additional, unique content including illustrations. Check it out in ebook, paperback or audiobook at https://amazon.com/gp/product/B0CPYLQN7Z

📘 BOOK TWO: Now available! The Book of Human Remembrance compliments the 2nd season of the podcast. https://amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJSXLMVX

🎥 LIVE: To view recordings of Live Q&A events and interviews visit our Live Page or YouTube channel. https://katieandthechorus.com/live

✉️ CONTACT: Send us a message through our site. https://katieandthechorus.com/contact

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WEB: https://KatieandTheChorus.com

We love you infinitely! ❤️

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