Fire from Heaven and the fire from Hell

1 year ago

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Prophetic word
29th of December 2023
Mette Mirani Sternkopf

The fire from Heaven brings new life to the Earth. It brings life to the dead bones. The fire that is cleansing my precious beautiful Bride, My Bride. My fire will take out the ungodliness and the rebelliousness in My Body.

The judgment is on the move in the Earth to judge My children who have cloth themselves in iniquity. There will be such a removal that will shock and discuss the Earth. It will send shockwaves through the enemies camp because I, the Lord of Host, have had enough of the mocking.

The enemies are screaming like never before. The strange fire is from the idol worshiping and My Bride will know the difference and My Bride will see and discern. The reason why the sons of Aaron died while they tried to bring the strange fire before My face. I could not take it because of the stench and I didn't allow Aaron to mourn over his sons. Don't bring the strange fire before Me and you will receive the same fate as the sons of Aaron. Because I am Holy and I will not be mocked.

Your Government will be exposed because you took what was sacred in mine eyes. The society of what they have built up, will be torn down so I can raise up a new standard that is of old.
My glory will be seen on My Bride like has never been seen before. Oh, My glory will fill the Earth.

Psalm 24:1-10. Joel 2:28. Ezekiel 37:1
#propheticword #fire #heaven #hell #glory #faith #God #Jesus #strangefire

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