Easy dessert recipes cham cham sweet

1 year ago

Prep Time: 25 mins
Cook Time: 35 mins
Servings: 10

To Make Chenna

Full Fat Milk - 2 Litre
Juice Of 3 Lemon

To Make Sugar Syrup

Sugar - 2 Cups (1 Cup - 250 MI)
Water - 2 1/2 Cups
Rose Essence - 2 Drops

To Make Filling

Unsweetened Khoa 200 Gms
Sugar - 3 Tbsp
Cardamom Powder
Saffron Milk


1. Boil the milk in a saucepan and and add the lemon juice to curdle it.

2. Strain the whole mixture to separate the chena. Wash the chena with freshwater to remove any lemon flavour remaining.

3. Squeeze out the water fully and transfer the chena to a large bowl.

4. Knead the chena with palms to make sure it is soft and lump less. Prepare the cham-cham bullets with chena and keep aside.

5. Take sugar and water in a pan. Boil until the sugar is melted. Add rose essence and mix.

6. Now add in the chena bullets to the sugar syrup, cover the pan with a lid and cook the cham chams for 10 mins.

7. For the khoya filling, take theunsweetened khoya in a pan. Keepmixing it until it is soft.

8. Add in sugar, cardamom powder and saffron milk mix until it becomes a nice saffron milk. Mix until it becomes a nice thick mass.

9. Now make a slit in the cham-cham bullet and fill it with prepared khoya. Garnish with a cherry on the top.

10. Prepare all of them similarly and sprinkle some chopped pistachios and saffron strands on the top.

11. Yummy cham-chams are ready tobe served.

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