Buddhism is Satanism (DECEPTICONS) - PART ONE

1 year ago

This video exposes Buddhism is satanic based on several points:

--> Buddhists' belief in reincarnation contradicts Hebrews 9:27, which they argue proves the existence of a judgment day, the reality of sin, and the necessity of Christ's atonement for sin.

--> While Buddhism is NOT explicitly against JESUS, Buddhism denies the existence of the one TRUE GOD as a whole (THERE IS NO GOD) and says you are god by the attainment of the highest goal of reaching enlightenment (just like the NEW AGE MOVEMENT), which is the realization of one's true nature and the attainment of liberation from the cycle of birth and death (Buddha-nature = attain to be a god)

--> Any type of belief in reincarnation makes it necessary to either believe those who are suffering deserve it or to believe that it is better to let the suffering die so they can either break out of the cycle or at least be likely to have a better life in their next incarnation.

--> Hell(s) is considered a TEMPORARY place, and the suffering there is not eternal. The duration of time one must spend in a hell(s) depends on the specific hell(s) and the cause of the punishment. (DECEPTION - ACCEPT HELL AS PART OF YOUR EXISTENCE)

🕊️ Read more: https://eternalevangelism.com/buddhism-is-satanic/
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You can consider the video as theological differences between Buddhism and Christianity however Religions and Occults have one thing in common, they ALL deny Jesus Christ WHY ?

📖 Hebrews 9:27:

"Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment."

The verse argues against the Buddhist belief in reincarnation, which is seen as contradicting the single judgment day. Those who do not accept Jesus as the only way to salvation will end up in hell.

🕊️ James 4:11-12, states that only the TRUE GOD is qualified to judge, but Romans 14:10, reminds believers that all mankind will all stand before God's judgment seat. This video seeks to warn, educate all non-believers and believers from false prophets (BUDDHA) as Ephesians 5:11 encourages believers to expose the works of darkness and to make sure that every unwholesome thing is not done among them. THE BIBLE IS YOUR GUIDE!



Pray with me:

"LORD JESUS, this is my simple prayer to you. I know that I am a sinner and that I often fall short of the glory of GOD. No longer will I close the door when I hear You knocking. By faith, I gratefully receive Your gift of SALVATION. I'm ready to trust YOU as my LORD and SAVIOR.

Thank You, Lord JESUS, for coming to Earth. I believe YOU are the SON OF GOD who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank YOU for Your forgiveness of sins and for giving me the gift of ETERNAL LIFE. I invite JESUS to come into my heart and be my SAVIOR.

In the name of JESUS, AMEN."


All credit for this video goes to:

---> Eternal Evangelism - https://eternalevangelism.com/


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