1 year ago

"You can have peace and be enslaved." Pan-African activist Kwame Ture explains how actual freedom means liberation from injustice in this documentary drama film from 1968, "Tell Me Lies" by Peter Brook.

Ture seems to be playing himself as the lines he espouses in the film are consistent with everything he has said in his long life dedicated to the struggle for Revolutionary Pan-Africanism underpinned by a socialist development path.

He was one of the most visible leaders of the 'Black Power' movement - a phrase he coined - while he was prime minister of the Black Panther Party. He later left the party, travelling and speaking all over the world and building the All-African Peoples' Revolutionary Party (AAPRP) – the party founded and outlined by Kwame Nkrumah in his 'Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare' while in exile in Guinea in the late 1960s.

Formerly known as Stokely Carmichael, he changed his name to Kwame Ture using one name from each of his political heroes, Kwame Nkrumah (former President of Ghana) and Sekou Ture (former President of Guinea). He died 25 years ago from cancer, but exchanges like this one keep his revolutionary ideas alive in the consciousness of the masses.

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