US to Deploy 5 Aircraft Carriers in Western Pacific in Show of Strength to China

7 months ago

02/15/2024 WION: The U.S. is likely to deploy nearly half of its aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific this year to counter the increasing military activity in the region by China and North Korea. There are currently three U.S. aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific Ocean: USS Ronald Regan, USS Carl Vinson and USS Theodore Roosevelt. USS Abraham Lincoln and USS George Washington are scheduled to arrive soon.
02/15/2024 世界一体新闻台:美国很可能在今年将近一半的航空母舰部署到西太平洋,以应对中共国和朝鲜在该地区不断增加的军事活动。目前西太平洋有三艘美国航空母舰:罗纳德·里根号、卡尔·文森号和西奥多·罗斯福号。亚伯拉罕·林肯号和乔治·华盛顿号预计很快抵达。

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