Ep #187: What is your unique superpower?

1 year ago

You are unique.

You are a weirdo, as you have often heard me say.

There is no one on earth like you.

In previous shows, I have explored how the conscious mind/ subconscious mind works. And, the truth is that no person on the planet has had your experiences in life, even if you are an identical twin.

No one has lived life like you, no one has had the identical experiences that you have had.

There is no one of the 8 billion people on earth who has your special combination of talents, skills, experiences, imagination, relationships and intelligence.

And, when you think about intelligence, there are 17 different types of intelligences.

Let me move this list of 17 different intelligences.

Visual intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Musical intelligence
Spatial intelligence
Emotional intelligence often called EQ
Spiritual intelligence often called SQ.
Mathematical intelligence
Environmental intelligence
Movement, dance intelligence
Analytical intelligence
Mechanical intelligence
Building carpentry intelligence. I was thinking of it like a the tradesman's intelligence.
17 different intelligences!

So when you combine your life today plus all of your intelligences, this then leads to your ability to identify your unique superpower.

What is the value that only you can add? Because, not only are you unique or a weirdo, every person you deal with is unique or a weirdo; and when you get two weirdos getting together, you can add amazing and unique value.

So, what is that special unique superpower that you have to add this super value?

Keep watching or listening, to discover some important principles for your life....

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In this episode. I aim to enlighten you about the costs and the benefits of the road that you choose to travel. It's a most important and crucial choice before you!

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