JUAN O SAVIN- The Science vs Flat Earth PART TWO - Ethan Lucas 2 17 2024

1 year ago

In Part Two *Clipped* this goes deeper into the New Physics and our look into many facets so we can "remember". Some of the stories are examples and deeper analysis Juan shares to give you another view. This right now is for all Christians to think about and pause. The coming "unglued" nature and NDE of this entire culture. We should PRAY sincerely and ask for providence over ourselves and our efforts will multiply. If we use these prayers out side of ourselves for our Neighbors and Friends Locally. This is the Walk of Christ Jesus. The conversation is playful in some ways but gets very serious towards the ends with the Adam and Eve story..
No Q & A on this clip.
If you want to see the whole show go here: https://rumble.com/v4dzqmo-juan-o-savin-the-17th-show-the-17th-hour-and-the-year-of-the-8.html

Belief is the Driver of Action. https://www.hagmannpi.com/life-as-an-investigator-is-like-a-box-of-chocolates-updated/

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