The Cosmic Love Within - Bridgewalkers

1 year ago

Enjoy Rev Ned, Dana and Michele on Feb 13, 2024! Happy Valentines day!!
Lets talk about Love!
Whats Love got to do with it?
Love is all around!!
Love expresses in many forms, on many levels and in many ways. Angels, guides, Christ, fairies, dragone cosmic cousins and the many guardians of the interdimensional fields are always with us, loving and guiding us along this human walk. They are bridges, touchstones, portals to Higher realms of Love and passageways to our spiritual evolution.
Our deepest darkest places hold the most profound and expanded experience of love.
Love isn't always what we think its supposed to be, either.
Let's talk about it!!

About Your Hosts:
RevNed is the consciousness of Pure Love! His wisdom and way he lives his life is a testament to the power and importance of bringing everything back to Love! And his sense of humor lets us all know, that laughter is medicine.
Contact Rev Ned at and join his FB group called Rev Ned Cosmic Interconnections. And Join Rev's Facebook Group, The Hermit On The Hill

Dana Sparks "Sparkles" is a Sacred Keeper of the Ancient Ways and is here to support us with his powerful ability to hold space and to bring healing through his beautiful heart opening songs. Dana holds keys to awakening and shares his wisdom with us in profound ways! Listen with your heart.

Michele Amburgey is The Awakener, her soul purpose is to guide the spiritual evolution of humanity during this amazing time of great change and awakening!! We are One. And it is all Love!
Michele offers private sessions, classes, courses, memberships and more!
Visit her website:
Michele is the Founder of Conscious Living Academy, a fully accreddited academy of spiritual evolution. Conscious Living Academy tab

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