The Bi-Polar Medical Factoid Machine in Great Britain

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For centuries the Brits have been known for being common sense thinkers that presented data in a meticulous fashion. Always, the T’s have been crossed and the I’s dotted. They truly were the epitome of order. With the advent of the two-tiered science community and two-tiered press corps in Great Britain the war between good and evil have created what one could call a bi-polar information system. On one hand so-called science experts enforce that there be stringent rules for vaccine administration with no person overlooked but this is countered by those who present real facts that involve numbers and the constant striving of the truth to be presented. This has caused a division in the populace of Vaccine Tories vs. Freedom Wanting Truth Seekers who will never accept the thoughts of their adversaries and vice versa. This afternoon we’ll look at these groups and their facts and see the bi-polar modus of information that is Britain.

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