Why Home Care for Long-Term Ventilated Adults & Children with Tracheostomy is a Basic Human Right!

11 months ago


Why Home Care for Long-Term Ventilated Adults & Children with Tracheostomy is a Basic Human Right!

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In this week’s blog I really want to bring home another point that is close to my heart and close to the heart of our Clients and their Families.

“Why Home Care for long-term ventilated Adults& Children with Tracheostomy is a basic human right!”

Now, if you have followed this blog for a while, you would have heard me talking about what our INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME service can do for our Clients and their Families, as well as what it can do for Intensive Care Units and their respective Hospitals.

And in essence, just as when a Patient requires Intensive Care or Critical Care for an acute illness, a long-term ventilated Adult or Child, as soon as medically stable needs to go home into the safety and comfort of their own environment! It’s a basic human instinct and it’s basic human right.

Those basic human rights can be applied to long-term ventilated Adults& Children with Tracheostomy in many situations, whether it’s in

• A long-term and difficult weaning situation
• An end- of life situation or
• In a situation where a Patient might require a ventilator for some time to come, maybe even for the rest of their life

After having worked with so many long-term ventilated Adults & Children with Tracheostomy in a home and in an Intensive Care environment and also after knowing and understanding what the Families of these Patients want and need, it’s more than overdue that current clinical and Intensive Care paradigms shift to a model that is more

• Holistic
• Patient& Family centred
• More cost effective
• Proven to be successful, as many other similar organisations to INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME have proven in other countries a long, long time ago and those organisations have built a proven track record to succeed in taking long-term ventilated Adults& Children home and provide a genuine alternative to a long-term stay in Intensive Care
It’s also a basic human right to have choice where to be treated and we should not limit our and other people’s thinking to a hospital or Intensive Care setting only.

Home Care is the future, even in a high acuity environment such as Intensive Care, because a lot more is possible in a home care environment than you think it is!

What are your thoughts on basic human rights for long-term ventilated Adults& Children with Tracheostomy in Intensive Care? What do you think is the best solution? Leave your comments on the blog.

If you want to discuss your needs for your Intensive Care Unit, feel free to give me a call on 041 094 2230.

This is Patrik Hutzel from INTENSIVECAREATHOME.COM.AU and I’ll see you again in another update next week...

Continue reading at: https://intensivecareathome.com/home-care-long-term-ventilated-adults-children-tracheostomy-basic-human-right/

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