Giant Strides, Week 7 of 11, ACIM Lesson 130: It is impossible to see two worlds, 2/17/24

10 months ago

Giant stride Lesson 130: It is impossible to see two worlds.
Perception is consistent with my desire.

2 Yet who can really hate and love at once? ²Who can desire what he does not want to have reality? ³And who can choose to see a world of which he is afraid? ⁴Fear must make blind, for this its weapon is: that which you fear to see you cannot see. ⁵Love and perception thus go hand in hand, but fear obscures in darkness what is there. [CE W-130.2]

³The separated mind cannot maintain the separation except by dissociating.
[CE T-4.VIII.13:3]

1. We dissociated from Love of God choosing the world time instead.

2.We dissociated from the intensity of our wish for separation (think hatred and terror) in order to make separation seem tolerable.

The ego tries to sell the idea that if you follow it, you can minimize fear and maximize love within a world of separation. It wants you to can think you can adjust to separation and and be happy.

²Minimizing fear, but not its undoing, is the ego’s constant effort, and is indeed a skill at which it is very ingenious. ³How can it preach separation without upholding it through fear, and would you listen if you recognized that this is what it is doing? [CE T-11.V.9:2-3]

11 Accept a little part of hell as real, and you have damned your eyes and cursed your sight, and what you will behold is hell indeed. [CE W-130.11:1]

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