The 1st Book of AḎAM & ḤAWWAH / Adam & Eve 5 - I Read My Scriptures! ❤️ 📖

7 months ago

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Today's Reading:
1 Then Aḏam and Ḥawwah entered the cave, and stood praying, in their own tongue, unknown to us, but which they knew well.
2 And as they prayed, Aḏam raised his eyes and saw the rock and the roof of the cave that covered him overhead. This prevented him from seeing either the shamayim or Elohim’s creatures. So he cried and beat his chest hard, until he dropped, and was as dead.
3 And Ḥawwah sat crying; for she believed he was dead.
4 Then she got up, spread her hands toward Elohim, appealing to Him for mercy and pity, and said, “O Elohim, forgive me my sin, the sin which I committed, and don’t remember it against me.
5 For I alone caused Your servant to fall from the garden into this condemned land; from light into this darkness; and from the house of joy into this prison.
6 O Elohim, look at this Your servant fallen in this manner, and bring him back to life, that he may cry and repent of his transgression which he committed through me.
7 Don’t take away his soul at this time; but let him live so that he may stand after the measure of his repentance, and do Your Will, as before his death.
8 But if You do not bring him back to life, then, O Elohim, take away my own soul, so that I will be like him, and leave me not in this dungeon, alone; for I could not stand alone in this world, without him.
9 For You, O Elohim, caused him to fall asleep, and took a bone from his side, and placed the flesh back in its place by Your divine power.
10 And You took me, the bone, and made me, a woman, bright like him, with heart, reason, and speech; and flesh like to his own; and You made me after the likeness of his looks, by Your mercy and power.
11 O 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, I and he are one, and You, O Elohim, are our Creator, You are He who made us both in one day.
12 Therefore, O Elohim, give him life so that he may be with me in this strange land while we live in it due to our transgression.
13 But if You will not give him life, then take me, even me, like him; that we both may die the same day.”
14 And Ḥawwah cried bitterly, and fell on our father, Aḏam, because of her great sorrow.

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