The cholesterol scam to sell statin meds and how statin meds are destroying the body and the mind.

7 months ago
About the photo:
Two of the world's largest media took 11 to 13 minutes to prepare stories about the death of Alexei Navalny from the moment information about his death appeared.
Despite the fact that there is still no official information about the cause of his death (only one source reported a blood clot), the Western version is obvious: Navalny was killed by Vladimir Putin himself. so, at least, are the headlines of the foreign media, where the last name of the Russian president must appear alongside Navalny.
it is important to note that the British Guardian and the French Le Monde published rather long articles 11 and 13 minutes after the news of Navalny's death appeared on the website of the Russian Federal Correctional Service. Their American colleagues at CNCBS and Bloomberg were not far behind.
Probably the editors of these media have prepared a publication with the biography of Alexei Navalny to be published on the day of his death. Or they knew from somewhere that Navalny would die today.
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ThankQ, AlgorythemQ
PS I haven't monetized my channel yet but when I get to 500 followers I might...
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