Walking With The Walrus IRL Ep 21: Beachin' with the Walrus

11 months ago

In this IRL stream, the Walrus is at the beach. surrounded by Portuguese man o' war, also known as the man-of-war or bluebottles. Not Knowing how much danger he is is, he continues to play in the tide around these harmless "Jellyfish with testicles". As he proceeds to make "Jelly wishes"
He annoys birds, talks shit about retired Gym folk, and gives his mom trash for valentines day.

All this and more in this episode of WWTW
Follow Corey at:

Walking With The Walrus is an IRL Stream That Follows Corey Adam and someone else who is just waiting to get up at Kill Tony every Monday as they walk around Downtown.
But also sometimes its just IRL like this episode
Filmed in Ft Lauderdale, Florida
#florida #ftlauderdale #CoreyAdamComedy #irl #comedy #comedian #jellyfish #jellyfishsquad #gulls #birds #beach #beachlife #valentinesday #manowar #sunny #fl #seagull #roadtrip #peirannamaria #ocean #oceanwaves

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