Harnwell: Euro-Parliament committee approves Pact blocking EU countries from repatriating illegals

1 year ago

Ten years ago, when the European franchise of our Sociopathic Overlords decided — in their delirium — to let in one million illegal third-world Invaders, there was one unexpected upside.

The various populist-nationalist movements across the European Union benefited from a permanent jump of around 15 points in the polls. Many were on single digits beforehand.

The EU is now set to adopt a measure that will permanently block a member state’s power to send an Invader back home — forcing the entry of an up-to-75-million-strong army. I can barely imagine the alt-right “uptick” if that happens.






Hi there folks, thanks for watching!

I’m Benjamin Harnwell, International Editor of “Steve Bannon’s WarRoom” — the Number 1 ranked US political podcast.

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Aired On: 02/17/24

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