1933 Transfer Agreement - A Nazi/Zionist Collaboration

1 year ago

1929 The Great Depression was a deliberate act of sabotage of the US and world economy. This bankrupted many nations, nations who were already financially cripped by the deliberate act of WW1. The Birth Certificates came out in 1933, same year as Hitler coming to power, no coincidence there, as the Rothschild's bankers created debt and used the people as "chattel" we became bonded slaves. This is one of several links connecting zionists with the nazis, and I strongly believe the Ashkenazis were the link, perhaps a khazarian nazi-zionist inbreeding program? as they both were pagans, and satanists as you know. I do believe 1933 was the year the zionists and Nazis collaborated, this explains why for 15 years repeated newspaper articles had many headlines of "six million jews"; predictive mindprogramming. So all these protests in USA and Germany in my opinion were organised by the same collaborative entities, a creation their used all to often. This is why the Nazis and Zionists feature so strongly at the core of what is happening today as it was them who are behind it all...but the heart of it is the silent enemy...the City of London. It's videos like this that I put on my Rumble as it's one of the big dots I like people to see and join up to the other dots. Both the Nazis and the Zionists share the same ideology, satanic, babylonian, paganistic, they share the same love of medical experimentation of the unwilling, the Nazis built concentration camps, the bolshevik communist-zionists built gulags, and the Nazi/Zionists in the UNITED STATES CROWN CORPORATION built FEMA Camps. I see patterns, I see patterns everywhere. This also explains why the Khazarian "False Jewish" mafia owned mainstream media are quick to hurl the "nazi" label on truth tellers like myself, because the zionists and Nazis (ashkenazis) I think are both satanic bloodlines of Cain.

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