7 Laws of The Universe + The 8th Deleted From History

11 months ago

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1. The Principle of Mentalism: This principle embodies the idea that "The All is Mind"—the Universe is mental and everything that happens has its origin in the mind.

2.The Principle of Correspondence: Often summarized as "As above, so below; as below, so above." This principle suggests that there is a harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the different planes of existence, from the physical to the mental and the spiritual.

3.The Principle of Vibration: This states that everything in the Universe is in constant movement and vibration. Nothing is at rest, and this motion exists on all planes of existence.

4. The Principle of Polarity: Everything has its opposite, and opposites are identical in nature but different in degree. Examples include hot and cold, which are the same thing but varying by degrees.

5.The Principle of Rhythm: This principle says that there is a flow, a back-and-forth swing, or a pendulum-like movement in everything. This rhythm is seen in cycles such as birth and death, creation and destruction, and the rise and fall of nations and ideologies.

6.The Principle of Cause and Effect: This principle posits that there is a cause for every effect and an effect for every cause. It suggests that nothing happens by chance, and there is a law and order to everything.

7. The Principle of Gender: Gender exists on all planes of existence and manifests as masculine and feminine principles. It is said that gender plays a role in creation and generation on all levels.

8. The Long Forgotten 8th Principle:
The intent for… whatever thing it might be, manifests simultaneously along with its
opposite (the opposite of that same thing, as well as the opposite of that same intent)
and it is solely the focus (upon any of the opposites), that determines what the result is
going to be like. If there is no focus, everything remains possible.

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7 Laws of The Universe + The 8th Deleted From History

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