Bayer "innovations"

11 months ago

Stefan Oelrich, miembro del Consejo de Administración de Bayer AG y jefe de la División Farmacéutica, con sede en Berlín, Alemania, desde el 1 de noviembre de 2018 en la Ceremonia de apertura Cumbre Mundial de la Salud 2021, está muy contento porque con la estratagema de una "pandemia", han conseguido que la gente acepte esa terapia celular y genética que han llamado "vacuna", que, en condiciones normales como él mismo reconoce "habríamos tenido una tasa de rechazo del 95%."

Stefan Oelrich, member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG and head of the Pharmaceutical Division, based in Berlin, Germany, since November 1, 2018 at the Opening Ceremony of the World Health Summit 2021, is very happy because with the stratagem of a "pandemic", they have managed to get people to accept that cell and gene therapy that they have called a "vaccine", which, under normal conditions as he himself acknowledges "we would have had a rejection rate of 95%."

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