Dr. Steven Greer – *Update* – Answers Questions about What is Going on – Part II of II

7 months ago

This is the second half of the interview with Dr. Steven Greer by Patricia Pearsall.

The first half can be seen here: https://rumble.com/v4dxvkz-dr.-steven-greer-update-answers-questions-about-what-is-going-on-part-i-of-.html

How Far Back Does the Secret Shadow Government Go?

Dr. Greer says this goes back to the late 1800's. A photograph of a dissection of an Alien from the 1920's was released last year. This was 100 years ago. The covert government goes back at least 100 years.

Foo Fighters -- UFO's during WWII, strange transdimensional aircraft that were doing circles around our aircraft. An investigation into the Foo Fighters determined that they were Interplanetary Vehicles, as President Roosevelt received the report.

Once they developed Tesla related pulse weapons that could bring down these craft is when the Shadow Covert Government began reverse engineering them. This goes way back to the late 1800's with the electromagnetic weaponry. This is how the government began gathering and creating their own ET, UFO Vehicles.

Roswell was by all means not the only one, it was just one that broke into the news.

The shadow government began when they decided this technology was going to be hoarded and not be available to the public as it would wipe out the Oil Industry and Electric Industry (Coal) as the technology would just make these obsolete in a heartbeat.

These covert, secret projects became super top-secret, more than the nuclear bomb program.

The covert program then became a Black Covert Program in which illegal activities began and they stopped reporting to the Presidents about what was going on. This was between 1954 and 1957.

Operation Paperclip -- bringing high tech German scientists to America for Rocket Technology. The CIA would put a Paperclip on a File which would indicate that this particular scientist would not be executed or hanged as they wanted to bring them to the USA - Wernher Von Braun, being one of them, but there were hundreds if not thousands. These guys were seen as an asset and a system of protection was placed upon them.

When did the Defense Contractors get involved? From the 1940's to the 1960's was the big boom. NASA became a Proxy for the Military Industrial Complex. This received enormous Black Budget Funding, during the Eisenhower years. Eisenhower then immediately lost control of these guys and they didn't tell him what they were doing. Eisenhower admitted this and John Kennedy mentioned this also. Kennedy said he had NO say in these black op projects.

He shared this UFO info with Marilyn Monroe and she was going to have a press conference to expose what she was told and she was KILLED for this.

In the 1950's the UFO program went completely Black. Once they mastered Gravity Control with the Aircraft in October of 1954, they decided that this must be hidden from the public and they can't know anything about this.

Eisenhower had met with ET's out in the desert on Muroc Dry Lake Edwards Airforce Base in California. The ET's wanted us to stop making Atomic Nuclear Weapons and they offered to help us with other technologies that would get us off our current technologies that were destroying our environment.

Eisenhower wanted to do this. The covert military did not and this was a MAJOR TURNING POINT in the Future of Humanity. Everything could be different today and 70 years ago they had this technology in which humanity would not need coal or oil and could have free energy and had the technology to fly across the country in a few minutes instead of 6 or 7 hours.

The entire operation has been illegal since the 1950's and they have been receiving Billions if not Trillions of tax payers money.

Dr. Greer said he has a team of White Hats who know and are trying to fill the gap and bring the congress up to date on what has really been going on for the past 70 years.

SOURCE: Dr. Steven Greer -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjJOysVli0w

PART I of this Interview Here → https://rumble.com/v4dxvkz-dr.-steven-greer-update-answers-questions-about-what-is-going-on-part-i-of-.html


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END. 2/17/2024.

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