Messages from our Ancestors - "This Is the Hour"

7 months ago

Enjoy ;) The angelic frequencies of LOVE that flowed through from the higher realms in this spontaneous transmission was absolutely heart-warming. So honoured and humbled to be bringing this message to you all!

As we were uploading this video we received a message from our guides as follows:

"Eldora had randomly picked Siman's T-Shirt for this video as she really thought the shamanic feathers would look good. What Eldora did not realize that it was her higher self picking this T-Shirt for Siman as the shamanic feathers in the T-Shirt would open a symbolic portal to the higher dimensions that tuned into the frequency of our Hopi Ancestors. Unbeknownst to Eldora and Siman, the guides they were channeling throughout this video were those same Hopi Elders who tuned in to channel their love and wisdom for humanity at this hour."

This came as quite a pleasant surprise to us and we are honoured to connect with our respected elders this way and that they chose to channel their love and divine wisdom through us. Even the hopi prophecy that we read at the end, Siman was guided to include that while Eldora was speaking (Not knowing why at the time).

We realized from this experience that when one clears their mind and becomes a clear channel to divine frequencies, without expectations, or preconceived notions, then magic occurs :)

With all our love,
EldoRa & Siman

View our offerings @
IG EldoRa @rachild1111
IG Siman @simanra1111

#angelmessages #guides #2021

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