1 year ago

MARIA ZEEE talks to DR. LI-MENG YAN about COVID-19 origins, the Chinese Communist Party blueprint for lockdowns, digital surveillance and Worldwide political tyranny.

Whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan – WARNING: Australia is QUICKLY Escalating to CCP Social Credit System - interview from DEC 6, 2022.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan joins us to expose what is really happening in China and draw clear comparisons between the complete control the CCP has over Chinese citizens through systems that have been in place for years, and the systems being implemented in Australia as we speak.

She sounds the alarm that the tactics being exercised by our government are exactly like what the CCP did to Chinese citizens in previous times, and Australia must pay attention immediately.

You can follow Dr. Yan via her Twitter account @drlimengyan1 and Maria at

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