Deaths of Angela Chao and Former HNA’s CEO Demonstrate the Need for Decoupling with the CCP

1 year ago

02/16/2024 Nicole on The John Fredericks Show: Angela Chao is a CEO of a major international shipping company with 70% of their business relying in China. She is also an independent board member of Bank of China. But as soon as they started showing unwillingness to comply or cooperate with the CCP, then this tragic event happened, just like the mysterious death of the former CEO of HNA. Decouple from the CCP or you will be killed by it.
02/16/2024 妮可做客The John Fredericks Show:赵安吉是一家重要的国际航运公司的总裁,他们70%的业务都依赖于中共国。她也是中国银行的独立董事。但是一旦他们开始表现出不愿意服从于中共或与之合作的意愿,悲剧事件就发生了,就像前海南航空总裁的神秘死亡一样。与中共脱钩,否则就会被它害死。

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