Grand Theft Auto VI — Trailer

1 year ago

#GrandTheftAuto6 #GTA6 #RockstarGames
#GrandTheftAuto6 #GTA6 #RockstarGames
Hey, this is our 'Trailer #2' concept for Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto VI (2024)
Grand Theft Auto 6 is one of the most highly-anticipated games in recent history, with a weekly deluge of rumors surrounding the upcoming open-world title, even after the GTA 6 trailer revealed much more about the game and story. A recent rumor speculates that GTA 6 will cost $150 or more, with some in the community up in arms. With such a large following still enjoying GTA 5 and GTA Online, it makes sense that many are willing to listen when anything new is announced. With this heightened interest, there is also the unfortunate side effect of those wanting to capitalize on the popularity.

With gaming becoming generally more expensive and the cost of games rising slowly, it's reasonable to believe that the GTA 6 rumors are real. However, as is the case for many things derived from the internet, it's important to look deeper into all the known facts to determine whether the rumor has any merit or can just be dismissed as conjecture. In the case of a speculated price tag of $150 for GTA 6, the answer may be a bit more complicated than just a number.

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