How to Make Iced Long Black?

1 year ago

Iced Long Black is a refreshing coffee drink made by pouring a double shot of espresso over ice and water, maintaining the strong and bold flavor of espresso with a cool twist.

2 shots of Espresso (2 oz, 60 ml)
180 ml (6 oz) of water (room temperature or refrigerated)
Ice cubes

Prepare the Espresso: Brew 1 shot of espresso using your espresso machine. If you don’t have an espresso machine, a Nespresso or portable espresso maker can also work.

Prepare the Cup: Fill your favorite cup with as many ice cubes as you desire. Then add 120 ml (4 oz) of room temperature or preferably cold water to the cup.
Pour the Espresso Shot: Gently pour your espresso shot over the ice and water mixture in your cup, trying not to disturb the crema of the espresso.

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