Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy - Dec. 12, 1937 - Adam & Eve Skit Guest Mae West

11 months ago

Edgar Bergen was born 121 years ago, on Feb. 16, 1903. He had the most popular radio shows at that time, Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy. Bergen's skill as an entertainer, especially his characterization of Charlie, carried the show. He developed other characters, notably the slow-witted Mortimer Snerd and the man-hungry Effie Klinker. The star remained Charlie, who was always presented as a highly precocious child. Since the dummy Charlie was portrayed as a child , he could get away with double entendres which were otherwise impossible under broadcast standards of the time.
This episode of Bergen & McCarthy did not get away with the double enteendres. Bergen and guest star Mae West performed the Adam and Eve skit written by Arch Oboler, which caused great controversy. Later in the show with the romantic meeting of Siren Mae West and Casanova Charles McCarthy remarks were made that in 1937 were considered inappropriate and which led to a fifteen year broadcasting ban for Mae West. The script today is considered to be very tame. I hope you will enjoy this episode, from Dec. 12, 1937.

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