The Premiere of British Columbia, Canada! Trying to Get Information on Geoengineering!

7 months ago

The Premiere of British Columbia, Canada! Trying to Get Information on Geoengineering through The Freedom of Information Act! Only Blacked Out Pages, did He Receive! Only 20% of the Population Cannot be Hypnotized by these Bells & Whistles! We will have to Shake Everyone Else Awake, including Your Children! I can see the Awakening is Truly Happening! Friends of mine are now asking Questions! These Weather Control Operations are So Large Now, There is No Denying what We See! We must Never Let Up with this Fight! We Must Win! We have no Choice, But To Put Down Our Petty Differences & Our Petty Hypnosis of Games! PLEASE Start Fighting These Lunatics! THE 1% Against, Us The 99%! Wake Up MY People! We got this! I just Need Everyone of MY, Brothers & Sisters to Wake Up To What Is Going On, & HELP US FIGHT THEM!!!!!! 🆘👇🫵🙏

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