Military Minute 16 Feb 24

1 year ago

I’m Papa Penguin and this is your Military Minute.

Get out the brain bleach, this one is going to be rough. .

We previously reported on LTCOL Sweatland who got away with a letter of reprimand for stashing a camera in a store catering to underaged girls and fighting with police. Well, he’s not alone in getting a sweetheart deal.

LTCOL Mark Patterson got plead guilty to assault, sexual harassment and maltreatment. He also allegedly bragged that he had beaten multiple investigations. Letter of reprimand

Oh yeah, he was an MP.

LTCOL Johnny Gonzalez pled guilty to one count of conduct unbecoming. He lacked the ability to keep his mitts, and other body parts,off of Naval trainees. The piece de resistance of allegations, having oral sex in a public bathroom in front of a retiree.

Letter of reprimand.

The disgusting part. Since these officers just got a letter of reprimand, theoretically they could easily move onto a civilian contracting job get a 6 figure salary, a fancy title and work in the intel field. Or not.

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