This Cat's Moonwalk Skills Gave Us The Envies

7 years ago

It was the dance move that stirred the world! It was March 25, 1983, when the King and Pop Michael Jackson performed his ‘moonwalk’ during a performance of ‘Billie Jean’, where he moved like he was walking forwards, when in fact he was going backwards!

Everyone had their try at the moonwalk from that day on! Both kids and adults made their attempt and some were more successful than others. Even today, those who still hold the King of Pop in their hearts are known to bust out his signature move!

It looks deceivingly ease to do, but it takes a lot of practice, practice, practice! And what creature has more practice doing the moonwalk than a cat? In this adorable video, we have Albert the Munchkin cat, doing the moonwalk on a narrow window ledge! The moonwalk is a tough move to bust on a flat, slippery dance floor, yet this cat manages to pull it off on that narrow ledge! You may call our brains blown!

Ever wondered why cats love walking on thin surfaces? A cat would much rather walk along a thin picket fence or on top of a narrow wall, then on the ground. First of all, they do it because it is an excellent vantage point; they can see the entire yard from there. On the other hand, cats are incredibly flexible and perfectly balanced, so they can always do with impeccable ease something that looks absolutely preposterous to us humans.

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