Geriatric Lizards on Neuralink | brought to you by Ozempic (2/3/24)

1 year ago

On a better-late-than-never extended edition of Disinfobation, your friendly neighborhood disinfobators explore some of the hardest hitting questions of the day- Is Steive Wonder really blind? Why does an alien spider wanna bang Sandler? Is RFK Jr too blinded by the vadge to win? Can Jon Stewart redeem his purchased soul? Will Neuralink turn us into cyborgs...or dead monkeys? Who do your kids really belong to? Is it okay to harvest the organs of prisoners? Will Roger get along with the other alter egos? And Iran (...I ran so far away?). All this and so much more; so fashion your ropes for some spelunking into the gaping hole of propaganda if you're brave enough to join!

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