Does Saturn Moon Mimas' Liquid Ocean Suggest Velikovski's Book Is Correct?

1 year ago
NASA is Masonic which mean it lies to the public taxpayers that fund it.
Masons burnt publicly the book "Worlds in Collision" written by Emanual Velikovski.

All the "Water-Worlds" within this solar system suggest that Velikovski and Wallace Thornhill are correct about Proto-Saturn the ex-brown-giant star that gave Earth water and life.


Bing chat: Which planets and moons have water?
In our solar system, water isn’t exclusive to Earth! There are several other celestial bodies where water exists in various forms. Let’s explore:

Earth: Our home planet, with vast oceans covering most of its surface.

Europa: One of Jupiter’s moons, believed to have a global ocean beneath its icy crust. It might even have pockets of water that occasionally erupt on the surface 1.

Enceladus: A moon of Saturn, known for its cryovolcanism and subsurface ocean. Water jets erupt from its south pole 2.

Ganymede: Jupiter’s largest moon, harbors the largest ocean in the solar system beneath its icy surface. Its estimated water volume is eight times greater than Earth’s world ocean 3.

Titan: Saturn’s moon, often called “bizarro Earth,” has lakes and rivers of liquid methane and ethane. While not water, it’s still fascinating 2.

Callisto: Another of Jupiter’s moons, suspected to have a subsurface ocean 2.

Dione, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, and Triton: These moons also show evidence of water or subsurface oceans 4.

Additionally, the atmospheres and interiors of the giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) contain significant amounts of water, and their rings and moons have substantial water ice 5. So, water is more widespread in our solar system than we might think! 🌊🪐

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