SWITCH to Guilt-Free Receiving!

1 year ago

These videos are about Activating ( and utilising) our Human Potential. As such , I investigate spiritual questions by entering an inner dialogue with my Spirit and Prime Creator ( God/Source Field). Answers, insights, energy shifts, and healings shed light on the factors affecting ALL of us in our current lives of awakening into a dubious world, where we need to regain our titles as Human Creators, not farmed-less-than-animals of those who sought once to control us.

I use oracle cards to allow me to interpret my ‘enigmatic feeling structures’ more clearly. I discovered an area to work on today: “release the guilt for receiving”.

1.20 At school, at home, “ACHIEVE” everyone terribly proud of this…but we forget the other side of our selves: to nurture the feminine receptivity. ( men have better receptivity than we do these days! And we, as mothers and more delicate physique, NEED to have this more than the masculine.)

2.00 Reflecting on what Kerry Cassidy had brought out in her video from 14th Feb listening today: the principle of the ‘Satanic Baphomet- integrating male and female into one’- where it is SUPPOSED to be ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN come together in love to become a super being!
The need to redress this imbalance.

6.22 We go into the investigation: to speak with my full spiritual being. I ask to identify any guilt I have at receiving. I tell the story of ‘receiving’ a new car…..

11.00 I examine my energy body for signs of this guilt at receiving: I explain what I am feeling and how I recognise what is happening with the energy body.
13.13 I get a wave of heat up and down AS i think of guilt in receiving- I talk through what that might be and marvel at it as an indicator.
14.14 What does this heat mean? I read from my big soul room book:
“ The heat of the body in this flush way: yes, a single moment of thought releases an energy in you. The single moment of thought is the thought of guilt. You had much guilt, yes. You were trained in it: your father ran away from it,– his Catholic upbringing. Most religious upbringings; Presbyterian, Catholic, whatever. you are later in the Islamic tradition,– in still guilt. There is a sense of guilt in a family, when harmony is tried to reach without listening. It is important for those power structures, when there is no time for listening and speaking, guilt is often the first thing to turn to
So, why do you have so much guilt? Why have you learnt this pattern? and what can you do about it? (she turns the page)
Let us look at the dynamics and the mechanics of this guilt: so, a thought creates a flash of energy.

How does this energy feel? It is Hot – it is like hot water running up, and running down your body.
Yes. And then a sort of tingle. Does it make you feel uncomfortable? To an extent, yes, because the clothes you wear suddenly feel too hot. It is only for a moment, but you are left with a memory of it. it is a something, it is not a nothing.

(New page)
What is guilt?

It is a personal awareness, that what you are doing, does not fit with the expectation of what you should be doing.
The ‘shoulds’. Who creates the ‘shoulds’?
- the religions, the parents, the authoritarian figures create the shoulds.
What would happen if there were no shoots, would you have guilt? No, of course, not.

Is there a should in God?
Does God create a should in you?
Let us have a look:
There are actions and consequences.

So let us look at the truth of actions and consequences, as opposed to the guilt and going against an external expectation:

17.00 The next explanatory thought with com, is Hildy Rowley, my sweetheart front who acts as a perfect example of what my spirit is explaining.
A very happy prosperous person who defied the expectations of her family. I compare that to entering the twist at the centre of the oroborus and coming out the other side and building another, and even happier life for herself.
Potentially hugely producing, but as far as I know her, she is not carrying any guilt. She’s a good example of where we need to be.
She came into my life recently, wishing to help me receive more money, and you can see she must’ve detected the guilt patterns. I was still holding which she had probably had to release previously.
19.36 I have a little chat with Hildy’s spirit:
“ I do see that little pattern, shifting, though – it is, like you have let yourself become a little thin on the edges– yes, like a hmmm layer is missing from you. That sort of cushion of something– a little air cushion in your life, which I wanted you to have. You are asking me, what it is to receive, with guilt, or with no guilt?
I didn’t like that emotion, guilt, it was heavy, it pressed on me, I threw it away, I kicked it away. Chuckle, you know my fire
Yes, it is it is it it is heavy pressure.”
21.30 I asked to receive in my body, “guilt,-free receiving”– what does it feel like?
22.38 I have my hat on my head: as a child, I always put something on my head and a few years ago I was told always put your crown on your head. (This is when I was with my boyfriend from years ago.)
A very tall crown, a sense of entitlement without the negative agenda. I gave myself a title, I get myself an ego. I give myself the allowance of being a person, an individual. Unique person. With my own decision of how much stature I wish to give myself.
The crown is the symbol of my allowing that to be seen, to be experienced, to be praised, to be given to. To be a beacon, for people to see and Reciprocate to.
It’s still feels strange, but if I feel doubt, I just put this crown on my head and I feel easier with the idea of receiving from others.
I look at different numbers of people, and how that feels when they begin to give back to me.
24.33 if I did allow that, it would allow me to have a house. I never allowed myself that, I just got on with being me and giving who and what I am to the world.
But it is important now to switch this foreign thing on for me to allow me to receive.-to allow the numbers of those giving to me to increase.
25.30 all the beautiful women out there, who have the same thing we need to create this for ourselves. Guilt free receiving. because otherwise it means somehow we are always second-class, but what we have to offer needs to be registered by all as first class as equal to all the good because we need this pure, spiritual, loving, nurturing female energy in the world.

27.25 I ask for a symbol :
a symbol for when I am carrying guilt, and a symbol for when I am free of guilt for receiving
28.28 The symbol of pushing away receiving:
I had a metal crucifix in my hand, my left hand, which became an upside down crucifix, which became an upside down T
(researching this, it turns out this is a very potent and fascinating symbol
: Saint Francis of Assisi use this as his signature. He is famous for loving animals and children unconditionally looking after the poor, but he pronounced all worldly goods. You can see why having that symbol would keep you from receiving stuff.

Interestingly, it is also also on the Masons aprons the upside down tee the towel and it is the symbol for a past master the highest office of Mason. When they leave the office into retirement. They are called a past master so there are many reasons why I would have limited myself from receiving through guilt my spirit telling me perhaps, I associated receiving with that Masonic behaviour and I associated receiving with the vow of poverty. Some Francis of Assisi took. Interestingly, I have a dear friend who lives and works at a Franciscan Friary, and she is someone I have probably had the best conversations with the longest conversations with in the past four years. She would always come to my house to study healing, loving the atmosphere I held here. So she would conduct her online courses from my house, and we would have deep chats in between there are no coincidences.)
31.13 I describe my symbol for receiving a fairytale like white silk dress with a blue velvet cape, but only on my right side
Beauty, luxurious, abundance on my right hand side, a very clear symbol
The left-hand side of the body we associate with receiving or receptivity to femininity into spirit, and as that’s pretty open and flowing in me, it makes sense that the symbol would be to have this dress and cape on the right hand side, my more masculine side for the world to give to me
32.00 I Ask, My Spirit, how I Feel, When I receive without guilt
“ life is lived easier this way. – You just take it softly, take it softly in that recognition.

When you feel that little swoop, of heat or pain, stop, just stop, just stop and speak to yourself with love, with kindness. Stroke yourself with your mind. just take yourself by the arms and hand and hold yourself.– That is all that is necessary when you transition from. an old, slightly broken way of doing things, to a repaired way. You are your own lover- not in a sexual way I mean, you are your own kind stroker, caresser, the one who hugs, the one who touches.

Give yourself perfume. The scent of something beautiful carries you upwards. that is a lovely thing to surround yourself with: you do pretty well in this area, you do a lot with your clothing and your colour- the joy of it. Mostly you do this. you are learning. Breathe in.
Do what you can, as you feel it, to feel the bottom of your feet– it is not always possible in the shoes or the boots you’re wearing, but do your best to feel it moved through all the way down through your body. And this head connection you spoke about., use it. That means you have a full awareness., It is not just in one small little pocket of energy in your body.

You allow this feeling of I am worthy to receive But I am allowed to receive, I am fully on hindered from receiving.

I am open to receive joyful prosperity, abundance – abundance of what? Careful with thatword, it could be an abundance of all kinds of gunk.!
Prosperity: money, payments, clients, customers.
You may use those words without impunity: payments, clients, money, customers. Don’t be so afraid.
Payments, donations, clients, customers all my money. You are allowed to say these things.
Those things: payments, clients, Customers, donations, – that was All in that scary, chopped up, cubistic world, you didn’t want anything to do with. You only heard those words in that context: the manipulative adverts, the aggressive adverts, spoken or televised through your social media. Those are the things you just wanted to know associated part of.
But I tell you, we can now take each word:

Donation, you love to donate to something that is important to you? let that happen to you – donation. Feel it down to your feet.
Allow it to be soft and quiet and good: donation.

Client: you are used to all your many, many clients at school, (smiling). But of course, you work with the children and you are paid by their parents, by the school. It is a nice structure of Removal, so you don’t call the child you work with your client.

But now we are going to the next step for you, and the person You work directly with, is your client. And as such, you receive, and you ask for Money. Yes. Say it, say the word Money, money, money.
Make money neutral.
Every time you say that word, (just like you did that session recently), take it out of context of the darkness, put it as a, ‚floated’ word for the means of transferring from spirit to the material. and let it be so.
You must create it as neutrally defined, it is a mechanism, exchange mechanism.
Receiving money from people, for work, for gifts: this is a gift, this is work, this is what you do This is what you do :it is your energy receiving back from people goodness, to match the goodness you give out.

feel it, feel it, feel it, and allow some of that process to crystallise into silver and gold and monies, yes?– Real things, that you can use in this world.
The money thing is useful, because it is abstract. Or if you are given a bowl, you can sell the bowl or use the bowl, but if you don’t need a bowl then that’s tricky.
– Better to be given some money, so that you can buy the bowl you want.– so, this abstract mechanism is important. Allow that.

38.37 “ let’s look at the receiving of love: from your partner, from your man.

Are you allowing that?

You think you are– you are not expecting it- we wish to help you expect it. Now how do you do that without sounding demanding? Oh demanding, and egotistical!
Expecting it…
But you keep saying, the most natural structure on this planet, is when a man and a woman love each other. And then they create more life, and have children and create a family. You keep saying it, because you know it is true. So why is it so outrageous to believe?

– That there is a man, who you love, who can love you- who can give to you?
.Why is that so outrageous?
Feel it– it may go against all of the squashed up programming you may have stop, but feel: to be loved by a man, as you love him.
Feel it
Feel it
Feel it
It should not feel like having to travel for it in your mind, but to be where you are, and to feel that love come to you. I’m gently wrap itself around you.
It feels fairly tentative, doesn’t it?
“ can I, should I, will she let me?”
That sounds crazy, because in your mind, you are always letting him, and he is not there right now. That is what your mind says. But perhaps there is something to this:

What you are doing, here is creating an expectation that, by being where you are in your stillness, do not seek him out. But in your stillness, allow yourself to be aware of him seeking you out

Subtle difference
Great effect
(and yes I applied this last night and I had a beautiful experience and I woke up this morning and wanted more and it wasn’t there because I didn’t seek for it in the same way and I was impatient and angry so people we have to be generous with ourselves as we build new muscles. The world around us was broken. We are making new structures roam was not built in a day.)

Feel that – feel that love coming to you

And you can add your friends – experiment. Take yourself to the Sun. The brightness of the Sun, and immerse yourself in the glory of it. Allowing that to come in, through you, and into the earth.

This conversation sandwich between Sun and Earth. You know the Earth loves the Sun so much, be that conducting vessel.

These are good experiments to indulge in:
So you have the basic receptivity with the awareness ( pointing to my head and tue crown I will be wearing in my mind )
Heightened awareness, a greater stature.
The enlivening of the receptive nature in all parts of your mind, psyche, and body.
Not just from One Direction. But also from Spirit, and from the world. -Allowing you to clean off the meaning. Of these words, such as client, customer, money. Fee, payment, donation–
Allow these things to become neutral, so that you may elevate them to good and useful bright and purposeful. Correct and balanced.
And then, be there in your space, just listening to his love.. listen to it with your ears and your feelings with your body
And then take yourself into your awareness, as you expand it. The rays of the Sun in the same way. Allow that.
This is a very beautiful and timely meditation
If we allow The love of that greater source – the Sun is just but one part of Source. - a small part of prime creation but,
We are letting ourselves receive a little more, and be these vessels of connection to receive more love onto the planet. The title wash of yes goodness, shifting the balance of all that is here.

These videos are made with love, passion and Source Energy. Enjoy them, apply them, appreciate them- and me!

If you love what I am giving you, https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Dr.IsabelAimee

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page to book a personal session,
isabel aimee@icloud.com

and find my books on the Books and Courses page of my website http://www.inspirition.biz/energising-human-potential.html using the email box.
I work with groups of adults to aid harmony and creativity, and visit schools to activate children's creative potential.

I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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