6 Things Nobody Has Ever Told You About Long-Term Ventilation with Tracheostomy at Home!

11 months ago


6 Things Nobody Has Ever Told You About Long-Term Ventilation with Tracheostomy at Home!

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In this week’s BLOG I want to share with you “6 things NOBODY HAS EVER TOLD YOU about long-term ventilation with Tracheostomy at home”

If INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME services for long-term ventilated Adults& Children with Tracheostomy still remain a mystery for you and if you are still wondering whether services are an option for your Intensive Care Unit or for your Family member, today I want to give you further insights and clarity about Home Intensive Care services.

For many of you reading this blog, you would either only ever have worked in a clinical and not a home Intensive Care environment and if you happen to be a family member reading this, you would certainly want to make sure that you are making the right choice for your loved one.

I break it down into 6 simple and important components so that you get a feel of what we can do for our Clients and their Families.

1. QUALITY OF LIFE in a home care environment for long-term ventilated Adults& Children with Tracheostomy is achievable, doable and possible

2. Weaning off the ventilator for certain types of conditions, i.e. Guillan Barré syndrome is doable and achievable at home as well. No need to keep somebody in ICU for 4-6 months and occupy an expensive ICU bed and leave Patients and their Families with no Quality of life

3. Patients BLOSSOM once they are taken out of a sterile, depressing, inhibiting and limiting Intensive Care environment. Imagine you are stuck in Intensive Care for many weeks or many months and you can finally go home? Anybody who has witnessed a transition from Intensive Care to home can confirm that

4. Compared to Australia long-term ventilated Adults& Children with Tracheostomy in Europe are able to leave Intensive Care and go home much earlier on a big scale. That frees up expensive ICU beds, minimizes costs and provides Patients and their Families with an improved Quality of life. Therefore Australia is still lacking behind. INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME is the first FULLY ACCREDITED service provider in Australia who is changing that and makes things happen!

5. INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME for long-term ventilated Adults& Children with Tracheostomy is EVIDENCE BASED and plenty of research in the field has been done to prove the concept. It’s a genuine alternative to a long-term stay in Intensive Care! After all, more than 15 years of Intensive Care at Home services is more than a long and proven track record. Check out this link here for more information https://intensivecareathome.com/evidence-based-approach/

6. Long- term ventilated Adults& Children with Tracheostomy in a home care environment are able to either go back to school, university or even part time work if we let them. I have been involved in getting children back to school or some adults go back to work part time. We just need to create the environment for it. A lot more is possible if we take the artificial barriers that are created in Intensive Care down. Even if Patients are not in a position to be productive, home is still the better alternative, as usually their Family members can be productive and go back to work rather than spending day and night in Intensive Care...

Continue reading at: https://intensivecareathome.com/6-things-nobody-ever-told-long-term-ventilation-tracheostomy-home/

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