$53 Million Corruption Cost In Ottawa Suspected(Noose Tightens)

1 year ago

"Experts" that overspent budget by 200x are failures due to corruption. https://www.canada.ca/en/border-services-agency/services/arrivecan/need.html

World-Wide AI-Governance (since "Operation Covid-19" began on April 1st, 2020) has made Luciferian politicians very lavish at rewarding their own corruption and wickedness with more and more of the taxpayers money.

Luciferians in power claim that taxpayers agree to be already dead by accepting their government issued birth-certificates... so they giggle and laugh at how deceptive and corrupt they have all become. https://ugetube.com/watch/birthing-certificates-by-romley-stewart-or-justinian-deception_8I651lOwfoKTBmq.html

Luciferians are glorifying their reborn Ai-fake-god as it authorizes the genocide of the goyim(sheeple). https://ugetube.com/watch/william-cooper-mb-19-68th-convocation-of-the-rose-cross-order-mp4_baVvXMqMThiHV4g.html This book was important to expose because it connects all secret societies together running Western Civilization and it exposes that they are concerned for their own blood, not the goyim-blood of non-cUlt people.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjoT37rgb1M

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