1 year ago

Whether it storms or snows,
Whether the sun smiles upon us,
[Whether in] The day's scorching heat,
Or the ice-cold of the night,
Dusty are the faces,
But joyful are our minds,
Yes, our minds.
Our tank roars there,
Along in the storm winds.

With thundering engines,
Quick as lightning,
Towards the enemy,
Protected in the tank.
Ahead of our comrades,
In combat we stand alone,
We stand alone.
So we strike deep
Into the enemy's ranks.

When before us an enemy
Army then appears.
Shalt full throttle be given
And run into the enemy!
What then do our lives matter,
For our empire's army ?
Yes, empire's army
To die for Germany
Is our highest honor.

With obstacles and mines
the opponent holds us up,
We laugh about it
and onto them, don't drive.
And guns before us threaten,
hidden in the yellow sand,
in the yellow sand.
We look for ways
No others have found.

And should we get abandoned
once by treacherous luck,
And return we will no more,
Back to home,
Hitting us, the deathly bullet,
Fate calls us away,
Yes, fate away.
Then becomes the tank for us,
an honorable grave.

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