Brave Daredevil Jumps 25 Feet Into A Tiny Pocket Of Ocean

7 years ago

This is the stomach churning moment when a daredevil performs a heart-stopping leap off the top of a 25-foot-high wooden construction into a tiny pocket of water. Footage shows the brave man climbing on top of the wooden scales, looking down at the rocky surface washed with waves. Your knees will get weak when you watch this kid jump off a 25 foot staircase and land into some really surgey water. Unreal!

This daredevil must have practiced jumping into tiny pockets of water, because judging by this video, he is very much experienced in tackling heights and calculating his landing. We could only imagine what went in his mind when he was getting ready for the crazy jump, standing on the edge of the wooden scales, praying to land on water.

Watch as this fearless daredevil shows some amazing jumping skills while searching for adrenaline. This brave man decided to try jumping 25 feet into a tiny pocket of ocean from a high wooden construction. We sure admire his courage and skills!

Only the most experienced climbers and divers who enjoy deadly challenges should attempt such jumps, because this is no joke and the deadly quest should be approached with great caution. The man took his time and calculated the situation in detail, only to jump in the most favorable moment when the tiny pocket was optimally covered in deep waves!

What we found most shocking is the state of ease this daredevil has when he goes for such a deadly adventure. Walking on the edge of a high wooden construction is very dangerous and is both physically and mentally demanding, especially when you know that one wrong move might kill you.

Clearly this thrill-seeker seems happy with his jump and films the entire death defying act on his action camera. Would you dare to jump into a tiny pocket of water surrounded by rocks?

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