Propaganda 101--A Short History from Bernays to Mockingbird to Obama and Smith-Mundt

1 year ago

In less than 15 minutes, how we got here from there.

Edward Bernays, World War I, manufactured consent, women smoking cigarettes, Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Hitler, Stalin, Cold War, CIA, NSA, ONI, JFK Assassination, Warren Commission, Jim Garrison, Fairness Doctrine, Assassination Review Board, Church Committee, Assassination Gun, Mockingbird, William Colby, Telecommunications Act, Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, NDAA, Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, Ukraine, Israel, endless war, Navalny, nuclear satellites, MAGA, President Trump… It’s all here folks!

Thumbnail: Edward Bernays--Lucky Strike "Girl in Red"

A fairly decent recent article regarding the 1975 Church Committee Investigations can be found at the link below.

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