1 year ago
VIDEO 1 Al Qaeda is the CIA database
ISIS was created by western intelligence agencies and Mossad to justify their policies in the region, which are basically to destroy and balkanise that entire region so that ultimately israel can expand - Ken O'Keefe

VIDEO 2 "We created ISIS, we still direct them"
Injured ISIS fighters were treated in 🇮🇱
🇮🇱 weapons were often caught en route to the terrorist groups

VIDEO 3 Israel - Mossad - ISIS
Snippet from a 1990 C-SPAN interview with Dan Raviv & Yossi Melman about their book 'The Complete History of Israel's Intelligence Community'.
''I thought it was a reasonable question but the trouble is, you can't pick up the phone book. There's no Langley in Israel that you can look up, you know, CIA or, in our case, the Mossad. We thought we should ask, "What shall we call it in English?" We can translate the Hebrew words, and like I said, Mossad is "institute." But when they write a letter to their friends in the CIA or the British intelligence, what do they call themselves? It took a while. It was a matter of asking the prime minister's spokesman -- the best you could do because officially the Mossad is under the prime minister's office. And I think he sort of wondered, "Why do you want to know?" and all that, so we explained and he came up with the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. And if it were to have initials it would be ISIS, just simple words like that -- interestingly enough, though, kind of a British model. The British don't really like the names MI5 and MI6 for their foreign service. They prefer SIS, Secret Intelligence Service.''

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