Cute Baby Elephant Stumbles through river crossing

7 years ago

Watching baby elephants in the wild is most of the time a really entertaining and funny experience. One can also not help but to feel sorry for these little ones as they go through their daily struggles and challenges. These challenges are all part of the learning experience for an elephant and prepares them for life in the tough conditions of the African bush. Crossing a river with the rest of the herd is just one of those many challenges they have to face. Trying to find your footing and keep your head above the water at the same time can really get interesting and difficult.

This video shows a baby elephant following the herd through a river crossing. As soon as they enter the water the fun really starts. From the beginning the little one finds it hard just to stay on his feet. Moving through the water in such a comical manner had everyone in laughter. The baby elephant was tripping, falling and stumbling along the whole way. At times he would fall face first into the water, getting back up to stumble forward again. At one stage the poor little thing tried to grab a hold of mommy’s tale but with no success. There were also no real help from the adults and the little one just had to push through and show some real determination. Closer to the end of the crossing, the baby elephant slips, but manages to hold his balance, only to fall down again. He got up again to finish off with one entertaining tumble and a big splash. Again he gets up and luckily for him that was also the end of the river crossing. He safely made his way up the bank and headed off with his family into the thick bush. This little elephant showed all of us what it really means to take on a challenge with persistence, dedication and determination.

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