Nobody likes to show the real life they live. I just wanna peel back the layers for once…

11 months ago

MUST READ👉🏽 So many of us feel like failures. Compared to others I feel like social media makes people feel like they aren’t doing enough😔 Truth is. Nobody posts their L’s. Nobody talks about how they side chick is pregnant🤰 or how they late on rent so they gotta pay late fees, or how they just got canned from their job and been living on food stamps and unemployment checks for the last 6 months😣 It’s real easy to put on fresh clothes, get the lighting right, stand in front of a sports car in a random parking lot and put a caption that says “work hard, play hard”🏎️🤳 Its not easy to say…. “Hey guys. My name is Joledson Delvalle… i go by the name of Joey DeVille… and im chasing my dreams from this bando🏚️ It aint much. But its what I have and im proudly making it my home and being grateful until i can afford more🫶🏽 Never give up on your dreams. God is real. Dreams are possible. Even if you aint got it all together…💎 none of us do. Just keep grinding” watch this video… i wanna show you the real

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