Article 4663 Video - Meat of the Subject - Money and Not Money By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4663 Video - Meat of the Subject - Money and Not Money - Thursday, February 15, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The citations below are from Melvin Stamper, via a faithful reader; I am simply melding this into a process for you to follow when dealing with their courts.

But first....

I do not want to confuse people so I will remind everyone that in the Hidden Caste System, there are (1) people known as men and women, sons and daughters, people have Natural and Unalienable Rights and protected by the Constitutions and there are (2) Persons known as Humans, both male and female, boy and girl, who have only Human Rights and who must obey the Constitutions but have no guarantees or rights under them, and there are (3) Things -- slaves and corporations that are Unisex and give rise to a child or franchise, and have only Civil Rights which are actually privileges that can be taken away. They also have no protections under the Constitutions.

Men and women are above any statutory law or code or regulation, so any rule that accrues via any act of legislation does NOT pertain to them unless they contract otherwise.

So when we are discussing Federal Code or Federal Court Cases (except for the 8% of Federal Law that is made part of the Federal Congressional Record and which may apply to men and women under specific circumstances) the Federal Code pertains only to Persons.

Okay? So when I am citing "Federal Code" it is (92% of the time) for the benefit of our public employees, who are Federal Dual Citizens. This is what you need to show them about their obligations and the realities about what, for them, passes for money.

Money has to have value in-and-of-itself. A gold coin has value in-and-of-itself, because gold has value apart from whatever form it takes.

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