Why Does Everything Suck Now?

11 months ago

Why does everything suck now?

Oh hey! Welcome to the underground you rebel scum, this is the American Expat. This question has me struggling to get out of bed and face the world. Why does everything suck now? Don’t worry, I’ve actually been up for hours, that’s why my hair’s all fixed.

Finally out of bed and ready to work, we can tackle the genesis of my question about why everything sucks now. My son was sick the other day, and finding myself without necessary supplies to deal with it, namely a thermometer, I went to Wal-Mart in search of said supplies. Unfortunately they were closed, and so was everyone else that might have what I needed. When I left the country everything was 24/7, it was so convenient. What happened? How did we go backward?

Another thing that sucks now is the supermarket. Anything good or healthy costs a fortune. I brought up this fact with someone, and to my surprise they had a fit. They started foaming at the mouth telling me about how the economy was better than ever, and to look at the stock market. What has the stock market got to do with the supermarket? Besides that, isn’t it the same thing? Both markets keep getting more and more expensive. A regular poor like me can’t even think of getting into the stock market, its hard enough to buy bread.

Another example of everything sucking these days is fast food. I went to McDonalds and was charged about 10 dollars for a Big Mac the other day. What’s the federal minimum wage now? $7.25 per hour? Can you imagine anyone agreeing to do a job for an hour and a half if they were told all they would be getting is a Big Mac at the end? No wonder young people aren’t interested in work, everything sucks now.

Somehow we have to fix things so that it doesn’t suck anymore.

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