1 year ago

It's interesting how the mainstream media tries to paint Nelson Mandela as some kind of hero
The truth about his past and his legacy is being deliberately obscured. Pete Papaherakles' article from July 2013 sheds light on this, but it's important to question how much influence the Jews had on Mandela's life early on, leading up to his canonization by the mainstream media.
"The Real Mandela" by Pete Papaherakles is an explosive exposé that uncovers the shocking truth behind Nelson Mandela's legacy.

Papaherakles debunks the myth of Mandela as a hero who fought against apartheid, revealing his role as a communist terrorist in service to the Soviet Union.

Papaherakles dives deep into the ANC's guerrilla force, founded by Mandela and his advisor, the Lithuanian-born communist Jew (((Joe Slovo))). Pete exposes their terrorist attacks, such as the Koeberg nuclear power plant attack, the Church Street bombing, and the Magoo's Bar car bombing. In 1962, Mandela was arrested along with 19 others in a police raid of ANC headquarters, where they were plotting to overthrow the government and aid foreign military units. Despite the evidence of a plot to blow up a city the size of Johannesburg, Mandela escaped the death sentence and was given life in prison. discusses Mandela's release and the subsequent abolition of apartheid in 1992. The author highlights the chilling consequences that followed, including the rise of the ANC, led by Mandela and Slovo, and the horrific acts of violence against White South Africans.

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