What is CatchPTSD.com and how can it eliminate my PTSD?

10 months ago

CATCH stands for Crisis and Trauma Clinical Hypnotherapy.
Clinical hypnotherapy is one of the only ways that you can eliminate the gamut of symptoms that make up Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
This is because PTSD is a subconscious injury, and hypnotherapy is a subconscious therapy.
PTSD is caused by everything that has happened to you, that has been pushed down inside your mind, right down into your subconscious, to the point that you perhaps don't even remember it anymore, at least not clearly.
It isn't the things that you remember that cause the problems of PTSD, it's the things you don't remember that cause the body to react in a certain way, leaving a sufferer with no frame of reference, no context. It feels like it comes out of nowhere; it feels like you say things, do things, feel things that you have no control over.
CatchPTSD.com therapists do not believe that PTSD symptoms constitute a ‘disorder’.
CatchPTSD.com therapists believe all symptoms are a reaction to things that you've experienced over your lifetime, and that by taking you into a really deep state of relaxation, which is what CatchPTSD.com therapists do, you will be able to communicate with your body, and find out what has been repressed inside of you.
Generally, the body hides memories to protect you, because it doesn't want you remembering things that were traumatic, uncomfortable, or unpleasant. But, unfortunately the body remembers everything, even if the mind doesn’t, and you get that triggering feeling inside of you.
Clinical hypnotherapy has been used over the last century to heal people coming back from the fighting fronts in World War I and World War II, to huge effect. So much so, people who returned with chronic physical conditions as a result of psychological stress, could be healed in just a few hours. And that's what CatchPTSD.com hypnotherapists are trained to do.
Over the course of just a few hours, in weekly sessions, CatchPTSD.com therapists can help you access the root cause of your problems, and as you gain insight, as you understand where it started, all symptoms dissipate away.
Not all hypnotherapists work the same way. There are many different forms of hypnosis, even up to stage hypnosis, which this certainly isn't. CatchPTSD.com therapists believe that you need to go down as deep as you possibly can in your body, down to a state which is termed somnambulism, which is very similar to sleepwalking, to a point where your body and your mind can communicate with you, and explain things to you.
Guided by your CatchPTSD.com therapist, you are led into a deep, deep state of relaxation.
You might say, “Well, that's not going to work for me. I can't relax. I've got hypervigilance, insomnia, anxiety. I'm lucky if I get half an hour's sleep, let alone be able to relax for the course of a session.” But that doesn't matter, because hypnotherapists, using the cadence of their voice, can get around all those defense mechanisms, and can lead you, just by talking to you, down past all those concerns, so that you are able to benefit.
After a session or two of hypnosis, insomnia just disappears because your body becomes trained to relax when hearing the sound of your hypnotherapist’s voice. All hypervigilance and anxiety also melts away.
If you are suffering from PTSD, you may think right now, I want some of that. Well, CatchPTSD.com hypnotherapists can help you to reach that state, and help you to get your life back, and not only you, but all the people around you who are being impacted at the same time as you.
One very good thing about hypnotherapy is it doesn't require endless talking. I know a lot of you will have been talking about your problems for so long, to loads of different people, and while it can help to talk, it doesn't go away.
Hypnotherapy is different. Hypnotherapy is aimed at allowing you to talk to yourself, to your own body, and it only takes around six weekly sessions for those symptoms to dissipate away. It certainly isn't something that is going to take years.
People may have told you it's not curable. But it is. CatchPTSD.com hypnotherapists will show you how.
You may say, “Well, I've got complex PTSD, so I know that's not curable.” That's not true. For CatchPTSD.com therapists, CPTSD is not Complex PTSD, but Cumulative PTSD. If you have been unlucky enough to have many, many traumatic things happen in your life, you will have been triggered more often, but it is still the same root causing the issues. There may have been a time when you were very scared, very upset, perhaps neglected or abandoned, and if something happens to trigger that first ever feeling, you will experience all these symptoms.
People say, “Well, I can't have PTSD because I wasn't in the military, fire service, or I wasn't a police officer”. However, generally what is happening, even in people who've been in those walks of life, is a triggering of the first time they ever felt out of their depth or worried for their survival. The reason PTSD is more prevalent in people who are in the forces, or in the services, is because they get triggered more often, because every day can bring
a trigger, whereas in civilian life maybe we're triggered slightly less often. But it's exactly the same thing, and it requires exactly the same treatment.
So, if you would like to see how you can diminish all your PTSD symptoms, just take a look at CatchPTSD.com.
We are here to help!

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