President Joe Biden Looks Perfectly Fine Being Led Around By His Wife, Dr. Jill Biden

1 year ago

All we're hearing is that behind closed doors, President Biden is sharp as a tack. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said preparing for a meeting with Biden is difficult because he's so sharp and intensely probing. Sen. Chuck Schumer says that Biden's "mental acuity is great" and any implication that it's not is right-wing propaganda. Karine Jean-Pierre assured the press that Biden does "more in an hour than most people do in a day," despite his having nothing on his schedule for the next three days. Apparently, they put up some tacky Valentine's Day display outside the White House this week, and Biden and first lady Dr. Jill Biden stopped for a picture. It was a great idea to put Biden in public. -- Biden: "Wanna get a picture?" - Jill, ED.D.: "No — we did." - *shuffles back inside*

He doesn't look confused at all. Nothing wrong with his memory, he's at the top of his game! hat jog at the end though!!!! He’s sharp, on top of his game, full of energy. 😂 I can't get over how she always walks off leaving him stranded. What's up with that? She must absolutely despise this man. Could you imagine exposing your spouse to this? We know that she loves being first lady. What a pathetic embarrassment. Definitely doesn’t need a cognitive test. Nope. He’s perfect. Wow 😮 Why on earth are they trying to defend this when it’s out there for the whole world to see — on a daily basis? But he's sharp as a tack in one-on-one conversations where there are no cameras or microphones. That's what everyone in the White House insists. Biden's the sharpest person in the room and no one can keep up with him.

• More at: Twitchy - President Joe Biden Looks Perfectly Fine Being Led Around by His Wife, Dr. Jill Biden

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